The DoD/Military Health System currently uses three legacy EHRs (AHLTA, CHCS and Essentris) and a new EHR suite (MHS GENESIS), which consists of cloud-based Cerner Millenium and the Henry Schein dental application. In addition, there are a number of capabilities that are used to make the EHRs perform better. These include: Dragon NaturallySpeaking, AsUType, OneNote, tablets and more.
We have added links to pages covering most of these topics below. If you see something that is missing or needs to be updated, please let us know. We want to keep this up to date and relevant for all end users. Thank you.
- Essentris
- Dragon/AsUType Macros Page
- MHS GENESIS (MilSuite page – requires CAC for access)
- MHS GENESIS Local Resources
- Local Tip Sheets
- Camtasia Videos
- Tips & Tricks