
Kat, Jackie and Kenny are all mobilised TA soldiers working in the hospital in Camp Bastion, a two and a half thousand man Nato outpost in the desert plains of Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan. The hospital, part of an organisation called The UK Joint Force Medical Group, provides the medical cover for the Brits, Danes, Estonians, Czechs and occasional American and Dutch troops that make up, the predominantly British, Task Force Helmand. The Med Group staff are made up of a slice of RAF and a sprinkling of Royal Naval medical personnel but the main body consists of a mixture of regular soldiers from 4 GS (General Support) Medical Regiment based in Aldershot, TA soldiers from 212 Field Hospital, an organisation that is recruited primarily from Yorkshire and the Midlands but also hosts the occasional displaced Mancunian and Londoner.

The Ambulance Troop prepare to receive the injured casualty off the Medical Emergency Response Team.

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