Research PageLorem Ipsum Dolor

Research is the foundation of any clinical specialty. Research adds new knowledge to the baseline and helps the specialty grow and mature.

For Clinical Informatics, and for this fe3llowship, the type of research most desired is that which deals with how Health IT affects patient outcomes.

Be it the EHR, Telehealth, eHealth or mHealth, applied clinical informatics research is in short supply. It is our responsibility to enhance the knowledge and push the envelope to show and strategize (then prove) what Health IT can do to help our patients.


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All fellows are expected to complete an applied clinical informatics research project (IRB-approved research or a PI project) during the course of the Fellowship. It has already been negotiated that projects approved for the Fellowship will also serve as the Masters' program projects.

Research Project Information

Below are a list of resources, pages and links to help you with your research project. Since your Program Director is a member of the Madigan IRB and SRC, he will provide as much assistance as possible to you in preparing your proposal and completing your project.