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The primary goal of both our Master's programs (MBI and MS) in Medical Informatics is to educate the future developers and managers of health care information systems. Individuals with a variety of backgrounds are provided a strong technical grounding in medical informatics, health and medicine, computer science, and research methods so that they may assume positions that require a thorough understanding of both information technology and the health care environment.


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The core domains that comprise a solid knowledge base in medical informatics are:

  • Basic principles of biomedical informatics to problems in different domains of health and biomedicine.
  • Operational knowledge of the human body in health and disease as well as the organization of thehealth care system .
  • Principles of organizational behavior and management skills to biomedical informatics problems.
  • Basic statistics and quantitative or qualitative research methods to evaluative research projects.
  • Basic computer science principles to problems in health and biomedicine.
  • Students will be adept in the tools of advanced scholarship , including the ability to address ethical issues in the field, communicate effectively in oral and written form, and complete a thesis (MS degree) or capstone (MBI degree).

Information about OHSU and the Medical Informatics Department:

The Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology (DMICE) is housed in the Biomedical Information Communication Center (BICC) on the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Marquam Hill campus. The Department Chair is William Hersh, MD and the Vice Chairs areCynthia Morris, PhDJoan Ash, PhD, and Shannon McWeeney, PhD .